Callie Holtermann, New York Times, 1 Dec. 2022 When New Yorkers are not at their strongest, these volunteers take time out to provide hot meals, assistance landing an apartment or a rare chance to celebrate a child. 2022 Second of all, literally who are these people who take time out of their day to tell an incredibly talented mom-to-be what to put on her face? - Elizabeth Logan, Glamour, 6 Dec. Mariah Thomas, Good Housekeeping, 19 Dec.

2023 During your party, take time out for your girlfriends to write appreciation notes. Studies have shown that, when used correctly, Time Out is as effective as electric. Jack Fitzgerald, Car and Driver, 11 Apr. Time Out is very effective method to suppress undesirable behaviour in dogs. 2020 Take a minute today to empathize with the 489 Porsche Carrera GT owners who will need to take time out of their busy days to schedule a dealership appointment. 2022 Word of Trump coming to town was enough to motivate Jen Kuhnle, a Janesville nurse, to recently take time out of her brief lunch break to pick up a yard sign for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Sarah Chaney Cambon and Ana Rivas, WSJ, 21 Mar. 2022 Mothers often take time out of the workforce, which can also lead to pay setbacks. 2023 Did Mayor Gloria take time out from ribbon-cutting and sampling Petco’s cuisine? - Nick Canepacolumnist, San Diego Union-Tribune, 16 Apr. Recent Examples on the Web Journalists and retailers from around the world take time out to make an annual pilgrimage to the company’s Rue du Rhone salon to view the Rare Handcrafts collection, and, by the way, anyone is welcome to stop by and take the tour.